the odyssey

Circes Colective was born in 2007 with the aim of making audiovisual work in the form of videos, exhibitions, and multimedia for online use.

The Collective provides a space for collaborative work with an interdisciplinary approach resulting from the convergence of a range of competences and sensibilities across Photography, Visual and Sound Arts, as well as Critical Theory, Anthropology and Sociology.

Our work reflects our desire of overcoming pre-established forms of expression and productions conceived within academic, artistic or militant frameworks.

Our collective work sparks from our urge to relate to “reality” from another place, where academic investigation may overflow the borders of its endemic universe; where the art work may not be limited to the individual creative gesture; where militant work won’t forget to pay attention to its forms of expression; where the conditions of realization, production and dissemination may suggest interesting ways of inquiry about “reality”.

We value the working process, the experience and the participatory methodologies as much as the results and final product. Examples of our practices are the participatory audiovisual workshops and the Collective film-making practice.

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